Frequently Asked Questions


What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We offer local shipping, for items purchased from producers and sellers within a five mile radius, next day. We also offer national shipping, normally delivered on a 2-3 day basis. As Seller's shipping terms can differ, please see their terms and conditions for more details.

Do You Ship Internationally?

No. We'd love to one day however, as a start up, we're concentrating on ensuring our hyper-local service is second to none. When we've done that, we may well look to bring you the best artisan produce from across the globe.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Our local deliveries are next day. National deliveries are normally received within two to three days however please make sure to read each seller's terms and conditions for their specific timelines.


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept all major cards including Visa, Matercard, Maestro, and American Express. We also accept Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

All of our payments are secured by Stripe, one of the World's fastest growing payment processing companies who's clients include Deliveroo, Spotify, Allianz, and We chose Stripe because we believe they're the best, and most secure, at what they do. Their platform also includes a number of anti-fraud measures including machine learning technologies and a 3D secure checkout.


How do I place an Order?

To place an order simply select from the great produce available, add it to your cart, and follow the secure check out process. Once you've placed your order will keep you updated with the Seller's order processing and delivery progress by email.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

As the majority of our items are ultra fresh it usually not possible to cancel them once they have been processed. Prior to this point you may be able to cancel your order by logging into your account and following the instructions given in the "My Orders" section. Please note that returns policies can be unique to each Seller, so please check their individual Store policies for more details.

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, you can check out without registering if you wish. Joining is simple though, and we encourage you to do so, as we often have special offers from our Sellers which we make available to our loyal members.

How Do I Track My Order?

All orders include a tracking link. This will be provided to you by email once shipped. Simply click the link to follow your order's progress.

How Can I Return a Product?

Depending on the Seller's policies you may be entitle to a refund, or to return your produce, if the quality that you expect hasn't been met. In the first instance it's important to contact the Seller through their Fresh Directory Store. Most Sellers will require time stamped evidence of any product issues (e.g. a photograph taken as soon as you receive your delivery). They will then provide you with the details you need to complete the process.

What if a Seller refused to offer a refund?

Whether or not a Seller will offer a refund depends on their terms and conditions which are available through their Fresh Directory Store. If you receive produce that is gone off, or not what you ordered, or if you feel like a Seller has treated you unfairly, we have a disputes resolution process where we will attempt to work with all parties to find a solution. If, after contacting your Seller, things aren't resolved to your satisfaction please get in touch with us directly.
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